Friday, May 29, 2009

Hi Dada

Who needs toys when you have cell phones? Eva loves talking on the phone and no matter who she is with, she is always talking to Daddy on it. I love the way she says, "Hi Dada."
Eric has been out of town in Arizona for a dental course so we have been missing him. I hate being alone at night so I usually watch a movie and make some sort of chocolate dessert that I eat half of one night and the rest the next night. This time it was brownies and the pan is just about empty. When we went to Blockbuster tonight I didn't see anything worth renting. Eva picked out a bunch however. After I set her down for 2 seconds she pulled the whole bottom shelf of DVDs on the floor. No one minded because she looked so cute doing it.
Come home soon Dada!


Tasha said...

we just changed our blog address be sure to update it!

Em said...

What a little chatter-box she is! I can't wait for the conversations she will have, it's going to be some good material I can tell.