Monday, June 14, 2010


I haven't given much attention to you lately Blog because it seems that every moment that Eva is awake, we are outside. It's great! I love Spring and Summer. We get up, get dressed, then the neighbor girls ring the doorbell and out they go, up and down the street with their baby doll strollers. There is a park behind our neighbors house that we frequent and Eva has gotten really good at riding her bike so we like to ride down to the Merc to get a treat. She has even gotten a bit less stubborn on it too and she allows us to push her and pull her with out freaking out. It's nice. She tried out the neighborhood pool in her new swimsuit and life jacket that Eric picked out. She probably didn't need the life jacket in 1 ft deep water, but we had to give it a try! It will be great for going on Sam and Liss's boat (hint you guys!) and Warm River. Probably should have bought blue or green so baby boy could eventually use it, but it would have totally wrecked the pink cuteness of the swimsuit. The pool is great though. I have a feeling I will be living there this summer especially as I grow and as the temperature rises. We have also been spending a lot of time trying not to let our yard win the white trash prize, but it is our first yard we have had to take care of so we're learning. Our lawn is really patchy with yucky stuff growing all over in it and there are weeds galore. I have become friends with Round-Up and every day I spray a section of weeds. Soon it will be lovely, I hope. Yesterday, Eric took a break from yardwork and built this cardboard house for Eva in the back. It has been a hit with the girls on the street. I think their babies are sleeping in it now...

Eva with her buddies Mikayla, Afton and Maryn

Last weekend was super fun too. We went to McCall for a golf tournament Eric was playing in. We walked around in the rain on Friday and then Saturday was beautiful so we went out for a canoe ride on the lake.

The previous weekend we went to Eastern Idaho. First we stayed with Emily and Travis in Idaho Falls and discovered they have a terrific zoo. We then stayed in Island Park and went into Yellowstone for a rainy afternoon. It was a lovely time and fun to be with our fam.


sam&liss said...

Looks like you guys are having sooo much fun!! Cant wait for you to come in town!! Lets go boating!


Amen to being outside! We can't get enough either. Yards are time and $$ suckers - better get used to it :).

I love the silly cousin picture! I hope you are feeling good hanging in there being pregnant in the summer. I'm excited to see a little boy version of Eva!

Em said...

Oh that first picture of the kids is so cute! I'm jealous you have a pool at your disposal! We'll have to come visit and play!

Leah said...

looks like a lot of good times. We too will be spending our summers at the pool!!! It's always so much better and easier than trying to entertain the kiddos inside! I love the house Eric built...I'll have to show Kurt and maybe he'll take the hint :)

Megan said...

Congrats on being pregnant with a little boy. So exciting. We are living in Utah now, so next time you are down here, give us a call. Great to see all the updates.

Karlee Stone and Fam said...

what a bunch of cuties!!! i love reading your blog, Nicole! and if i never said so yet, we loved our stay with you guys and appreciate all your hospitality and kindness sooo much! muah!