Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Eva Joy!

We had a busy couple of weekends around Eva's birthday that made it fun to celebrate. The weekend before we went to Island Park with the Ballous where we enjoyed snowmobiling, sledding and as always, eating and hanging out in the lovely cabin. Eva got to have a chocolate birthday cake with the fam!

The next week, we flew out on her birthday to Scottsdale, AZ where Eric had another dental conference. We took her along this time and had fun in the sun. She and I hung around the hotel most of the time chasing bunnies and swimming. She would say, "Bunny, come 'ere." Then she couldn't understand why they would run away. There were a lot of little wild rabbits running around. A highlight of the trip was seeing our good friend from dental school, Kathryn and her two girls, who met us to go swimming. Thank you Kathryn for coming! The night of Eva's birthday we went out to dinner with some other dental folk and Eva did great, especially when they brought out a little chocolate surprise with a candle for her!

We were excited to get home because Eva could test out her new birthday prize: a bike! I think she looks pretty cute riding it. She has just now learned to pedal but we are working on the steering part still...

She was happier than she looks, I promise!

We love you Eva. You brighten every day with your smile, dancing, your little voice, and your friendly nature.


Jani Jo said...

That looks like the BEST birthday a 2-yr-old could ask for! Eva, you are SO stinkin' cute! Have fun riding your hot new wheels:)

Em said...

Ah! A bike! Love it. And what is better than a little tiny girl in a teeny bikini? Not much.