Eva has been talking non-stop about her birthday for the past month. And to everyone young and old she sees (some of whom are only acquaintances), she says, "You can come to my birthday." One night when Eric told her she couldn't have a treat or something she wanted at the moment she said, "You're not coming to my birthday!" He replied with, "Ok. Then you can go buy all of the cake and everything for your party." Now crying she said, "But I don't know how to drive!" Anyway, it has been pretty dramatic with the whole birthday thing. So to make things simpler for me, I decided to have a little birthday party during preschool that I happened to be teaching at my house that week. It required no invitations and I even told the moms not to worry about gifts and that we would just have a fun Rapunzel party. I was safe with that until one of the little girls said, "Where are Eva's presents?" Eva said to her, "Do you have a present for me?" Luckily she quickly forgot about the lack of presents. What kind of mom am I to throw a birthday party without a single present? Lame! Hopefully we made up for it when Eric came home with a little stuffed unicorn. She has been telling us she wants a unicorn and my Mom was the hero who went and found one for her when we were in Salt Lake visiting. Eric found another one and she has been quite happy playing with them. Eva was also excited when Grandma Julia surprised her with cupcakes and a fun Dora present. Maybe next year I'll be a better party planner... Doesn't my girl look pretty?