I'm a little late I know, but I'm late for everything these days. We found this tiger costume at a kids consignment store and when I put it on Eva I almost peed my pants. Everyone in the store was looking at me wondering why I was laughing so hard. Am I the only one that thinks it is hilarious? And her friend Mikaylas costume couldn't have matched better. They looked so cute together and had fun at the trunk-or-treat. After getting 2 pieces of candy Eva stopped, trying anxiously to get a wrapper open. Why keep going when you have a candy right here? Mikaylas mom, Carina Dewitt, took these cute photos of them. (more photos by her to come).

And for the little guy...

He was toothpaste this year, wearing the same costume at 6 weeks old that Eva wore when she was 7 months. Cute aint he?