Before I was a Ballou, I didn't care much for snow or anything to do with cold. But after so many fun times with Eric's family skiing and snowmobiling, I really look forward to these little winter trips with them. We just had a great weekend at Eric's mom's cabin in Island Park, ID with the Ballou family. There was so much to do- they brought up 4-wheelers and we rented snowmobiles on saturday. I tried for the first time snowshoeing and cross-country skiing and I loved them both! Probably because neither requires much skill and they are great forms of exercise. There was so much flat open land so it was perfect. And ofcourse, we never fail to have good food and lots of laughter. Every night we would stay up late, chat, watch movies and sit in the hot tub. Then sleep in the next morning and wake up to a hot breakfast prepared by Dad. Eva and her cousins Brenner and tiny Clark had so much fun playing together and Nana took good care of them while we went on our little adventures.
We tried pulling Eva on a sled while snowshoeing, but she got a bit mad when she fell over after a bumpy ride. So Eric, being innovative, made a nice little seat for her and pulled her along:

Hot girls snowshoeing

Russell attempting to cross-country ski. This is what he looked like most of the time.

Emily, Brenner and Travis goin for a ride. The ninja hat is very becoming on Trav. No way would I show you what I look like in one.

Hot babe Meg going on a ride following Eric. I wouldn't have dared, but she kept right up!

My sister-in-law Emily made these cute beanies for Eva. She is so good at it. I attempted the craft, but failed when my hat looked more like a barbie hat. Here is Eva modeling one for you. I love the flowers.

Brenner and Eva putting a puzzle together.